Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
~Albert Einstein
 Some people give me a jaundiced look 
when I talk to them about miracles.
"Do such things....REALLY happen ????????
I will believe it when I see it in my life....."
 the look seems to say.
The truth of the matter is.....
you see it ................when you believe it.
The more you believe it.....the more you see it.

Miracles are all around and in us.

We tend to take them for granted.

The way the Sun chooses to rise and set.....
everyday is a definitely a miracle.
The way the planets move in their own orbits.....
is a wonderful miracle.
The way Mother Earth supports and nurtures us
day after day; is an amazing miracle.
My next breath.....is a miracle.....

The way trillions of cells in my body function 
harmoniously together.......is certainly a miracle.
I could go on ....and on... and on ....and on and on...........

I choose to be a part of the group that goes through life....
" as though everything is a miracle."
May your day be filled with miracles :) :) :) :) :):)