Saturday, January 7, 2012

A child's letter to God.

Dear God, 
I didn’t think orange 
went with purple 
until I saw the sunset 
you made on Tuesday. 
That was cool! !!!!

"The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows,
 spectacular skies and serene lakes. 
 It has enough lush forests, 
flowered fields and sandy beaches. 
 It has plenty of stars 
and the promise of a new sunrise 
and sunset every day. 
 What the world needs more of 
is people to appreciate and enjoy it.  
~Michael Josephson.

How cool would it be if we could always make time to watch the sun rise and set everyday and spend more time in nature????
The need to own....and the greed for more has devastated the planet so much; it is a wonder that Mother Earth still chooses to nurture and support us.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all get together and nurture her back to the healthy and pristine planet that she was always meant to be?????
The indigenous people around the world.....were/are the wise ones.They never estranged themselves from nature.They have made sustainable use of the earth's resources and would never, ever consider plundering it.
What if we could also choose to be the one's to appreciate and enjoy more mindfully the bounty of be a part of it instead of apart from it??????????
Some may be excused for thinking that it's a little too late.........but better late than never.

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