Saturday, February 22, 2014

When you offer a vibration,

the Universal forces are working

in concert with each other

in order to satisfy you.

You really are the center

of the Universe.


Why are you trying so hard to fit in,

when you were born to stand out?

~ Oliver James

"You can’t stop the waves,
but you can learn to surf."

Jon Kabat-Zinn

"Life has no remote.
Get up and change it yourself."

Mark A. Cooper

Be your own BFF.

Treat yourself the way you imagine

your best friend would treat you.

Especially in things you say to yourself.

Sabina Vajraca

P.S: .What would it take for you

to remember you are

the centre of the Universe ?

May you always remember

how unique you truly are.

Thank you for visiting




Friday, February 21, 2014

Expand your horizons

by maintaining an open mind.

Nothing is ever either black or white,

right or wrong, up or down,

hot or cold, good or bad.

These are all the relative perceptions

of an individual person at a given time

and in a particular situation.

I am, as with it would appear,

the majority of people who are reading this,

not here to change anyone's mind,

beliefs, values or perceptions,

I'm just here.

Here with no particular agenda

other than perhaps that of growth

through self-exploration

and spiritual understanding.

It is you, no matter your physical age,

the feedback I receive from you

that helps me accomplish this.

If something I share with you

should happen to resonate with you

then that's fine....

If a concept or thought that I present

leads you to question

or even change your mind about

one of your own previously conceived perceptions

or beliefs, then that's fine too....

It is, after all, your mind to change.

Nothing is cast in stone.

The universe is in constant flux

and the truths we have all been weaned on

are certainly not finite.

An inquiring, open mind has the power

P.S to unlock many doors.

~Roger Anthony Briggs~



P.S: An open mind is one of the greatest

assets one could have.

It  unlocks the door to infinite possibilities.


Thank you for visiting the TREASURE TROVE today.



Thursday, February 20, 2014

“Miracles happen everyday.

Change your perception

of what a miracle is

and you’ll see them all around you.”

Jon Bon Jovi

This is the miracle that happens

every time to those who really love:

the more they give,

the more they possess.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Miracles never cease to amaze me.

I expect them,

but their consistent arrival

is always delightful to experience.

Mark Victor Hansen

Love is the great miracle cure.

Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.

Louise L. Hay

How about you ?


P.S: For some everything is a miracle…for some others nothing is a miracle.

May miracles abound in your life today and everyday.

 Thank you for visiting the TREASURE TROVE today.



Wednesday, February 19, 2014

“Some of the most wonderful people

are the ones who don’t fit into boxes.”

~ Tori Amos


“There is no higher calling

than discovering and accepting

who you truly are

and expressing yourself

authentically in all of life,

including work.”

- Bob Epperly

Always be yourself, express yourself,

have faith in yourself,

do not go out and look for

a successful personality

and duplicate it.

Bruce Lee

“If you fuel your journey

on the opinions of others,

you are going to run out of gas.’

~Steve Maraboli

Don't Make Assumptions.

Find the courage to ask questions

and to express what you really want.

Communicate with others

as clearly as you can

to avoid misunderstandings,

sadness and drama.

With just this one agreement,

you can completely transform your life.

Miguel Angel Ruiz


P.S: The ability  to be able to express oneself with ease is one of the greatest of all life’s blessings.


Thank you for visiting




Tuesday, February 18, 2014

“The desire to be a free person

is very worthwhile.

To be free means

you are no longer the victim

of fear,anger,craving or suspicion.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

“I find that when we really love

and accept and approve of ourselves

exactly as we are,

then everything in life works.”

~Louise Hay

"The only person you are destined to become

is the person you decide to be."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


“The trick is to enjoy life.

Don’t wish away your days

waiting for better ones ahead.”

~ Marjorie P.Hinckley

“Develop an appreciation

for the present moment.

Seize every second of your life

and savor it “

~Dr.Wayne Dyer



P.S: The freedom to be oneself is the greatest freedom in the world.It is a right everyone must enjoy.However,with every right comes a responsibility….which in this case is to BE EVERYTHING one is created to be.

Thank you for visiting the TREASURE TROVE today.










Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you greater than any obstacle.

-Christian D. Larson

Monday, February 17, 2014

“It takes but one positive thought

when given a chance to survive

and thrive to overpower

an entire army of negative thoughts.”

Robert H. Schuller

We chose to come here to thrive,

to enjoy the abundance

the Universe wishes to bestow on us.

All mankind is divided into three classes:

those that are immovable,

those that are movable,

and those that move.

— Benjamin Franklin

Do you realize that when you doubt

your ability to thrive;

you are giving more importance

to external circumstances

and no importance to

your inner strength and capabilities.


Do you realize what a potent

and powerful creator you are ?


What can you choose today

that would allow you to thrive

every moment of every day

with total ease ?

  “With every choice you create

the life you’ll live;

with every decision

you design it.”
― Mollie Marti

Here's to those who love the quiet,

but thrive in chaos.”

― Verscon


P.S: What would the world be like if everyone chose to thrive and not just survive?



Thank you for visiting




Sunday, February 16, 2014














P.S: When you realize how unique you truly are… would never wish to be anyone but you.

Thank you for visiting the TREASURE TROVE today.

