Tuesday, December 31, 2013

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page

of a 365 page book.

Write a good one.”

― Brad Paisley






P.S: Greetings and all good wishes for 2014 to turn out even more phenomenal than you could ever imagine.

Thank you for visiting the TREASURE TROVE today.



Saturday, December 28, 2013

When you choose to ask a question

the Universe responds in ways that are

better than you could possibly imagine.

So why not allow magic and miracles into your life.

Ask and thou shalt receive….


May you always choose to be the gift you truly are.

Thank you for visiting the TREASURE TROVE today.



Friday, December 27, 2013

Just do your best to keep yourself in balance.

One of the first things that causes Energy misalignment,

is asking or demanding too much of yourself

in terms of time and effort.

In other words, you just cannot burn the candle at both ends,

so that you are physically tired,

and then expect yourself to have a cheerful attitude.

So, the rule of thumb has to be:

"I'm going to be very, very, very happy,

and then do everything I have time to do after that."



The distance between ordinary

and extraordinary is shorter than you think!
John C. Maxwell


What if , you could choose to know

how wonderful you truly are ?

What if ,you knew that you do not need to wait

for something wonderful to happen ??

What if ,you could create it

any time you choose to do so ??

Thank you for visiting the TREASURE TROVE today.



Thursday, December 26, 2013

“Humour requires perspective.

Perspective requires focus.

Focus requires balance.

Balance requires attention to the present moment.

In the ‘now’ one is freed from labels.

Success and failure,good luck and bad -

they are all constructs of your mind.”

Tom Bergeron

Sometimes that is all that is required

to restore balance in our lives

The willingness to look at life/the world/people/situations

from a difference angle/perspective.

Thank you for visiting



Wednesday, December 25, 2013

My idea of Christmas,

whether old-fashioned or modern,

is very simple: loving others.

Come to think of it, why do we have to

wait for Christmas to do that?

~Bob Hope

Season’s greetings

A very Merry Christmas.

Wishing you the very best in 2014.

May it turn out to be a year

that is full of magic and miracles.

Thank you for visiting




“I dwell in possibility…”
― Emily Dickinson


“Impossibility only lasts

until you find

new unbelievable hard evidences.”
― Toba Beta

“In this moment, there is plenty of time.

In this moment,

you are precisely as you should be.

In this moment,

there is infinite possibility. ”
― Victoria Moran


P.S May today open up endless new possibilities for you.

If you knew for sure, that you could never fail…..what would you choose to do today..that you have never considered or attempted before ?

The world awaits your unique contribution ….as you explore the infinite possibilities available to you.

Thank you for visiting the TREASURE TROVE today.



Monday, December 23, 2013


May your joys, like the stars at night, be too numerous to count.

Thank you for visiting




Thursday, December 19, 2013

"Be humble for you are made of earth.

Be noble for you are made of stars."
—Serbian proverb

Hi !!!!!

Has anyone told you today

how amazing you truly are ?????

Someone just did…..

I wonder how many people visited the blog

in the last three weeks….and wondered

why there was no post.

Well,the reason is that I was in Australia

attending the Access Consciousness

Facilitators’ class .

It was awesome and hectic and I could not post anything while I was there.

I did take some pictures which I will post

with Vivek’s help.

In the meantime,wishing you a day that is…..

even more wonderful than you

can possibly imagine…..

Thank you for visiting




Tuesday, December 17, 2013


You Are Worthy.
Have you ever tried to pay someone a compliment

and seen them embarrassed, confused,

or even somewhat irked at your offering of kindness,

love, and admiration? Or maybe, you have been

on the receiving end and found yourself uncomfortable

and unable to respond with gratitude and grace.

This everyday example of the difficulties

that can arise when we are offered a gift

reveals one of the important principles of learning

how to receive the abundance that the Universe holds for us.

In order to manifest, to take part in the process of co-creating

your life and attracting to yourself the objects of your heart’s

desires, you must know that you are worthy of receiving.

Manifesting involves using the power of your inner world

to craft a fuller relationship with life.

You can remind yourself all day long that the same power

that brought anything into the physical world also brought you,

but if you do not feel worthy, you will disrupt the natural flow of

energy into your life and create a blockage that makes

manifestation impossible.

Remember that you are worthy of abundance.

Feeling worthy of any blessings or desires is a feature

of your inner life.

Here are the major perceptions of those who know

they are worthy and deserving of all of God’s blessings:

My self-esteem comes from myself.

(As a child of God, my worthiness is a given.)
I accept myself without complaint and without conditions.
I take full responsibility for my life and what it is and is not.

(I blame no one.)
I do not choose to accept guilt into my life.

(I live in the present moment.)
I understand the importance of having harmony between my thoughts, my feelings, and my behavior.

(This harmony translates into peace and contentment.)

There is nothing your highest self wants more than peace.

This peace makes you feel worthy of all of the richest blessings

of the Universe, and when you radiate this out into the world,

it is returned to you without fail.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

P.S: What would the world be like if each and every one knew how worthy and incredibly amazing one is ?????

Thank you for visiting


