Tuesday, January 31, 2012


"Are there ways for gauging
one's spiritual strength?"

"Give us one."

"Find out how often
you become disturbed
in the course of a single day." 

~ Anthony de Mello, SJ

"Serenity is not freedom 
from the storm, 
but peace amid the storm."

~ Author  Unknown


Let's strengthen our serenity muscles today.....:)

and choose to stay serene 
no matter what....:)

It's sure to be an awesome day:)


Monday, January 30, 2012

"Everything that irritates us about others 
can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."
~ Carl Jung 

Learning To Be Silent

The pupils of the Tendai school used to study meditation
 before Zen entered Japan.
 Four of them who were intimate friends promised one another
 to observe seven days of silence.
On the first day all were silent. 
Their meditation had begun auspiciously, but when night came
 and the oil lamps were growing dim one of the pupils 
could not help exclaiming to a servant:
 “Fix those lamps.”
The second pupil was surprised to hear the first one talk.
 “We are not supposed to say a word,” he remarked.
“You two are stupid. Why did you talk?” asked the third.
“I am the only one who has not talked,” concluded the fourth pupil.

It is so much easier to find fault outside of ourselves......
because we are mindfully outward bound.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we would choose to be
more self aware and choose only to focus on .....
and take total responsibility for...
what we think,speak and do???????
Most of the time the faults that we see so clearly in others...
are the ones we need to correct in ourselves.
We are the only ones we can change anyway.
All good wishes for a wonderful day.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

"The pursuit of happiness 
  is a most ridiculous phrase: 
  if you pursue happiness 
  you'll never find it. " 
   ~C.P. Snow


Chasing Happiness

Once there was a kitten chasing its tail. 
It just chased and chased it.
An older wiser cat came along and 
watched this kitten for a long time. 
Then he asked the kitten,
 “Kitten, why do you chase your tail?”
The kitten replied, 
“Because I will find happiness in my tail.”
The old cat watched again for a while before saying,
 “I, too, used to chase my tail because I thought
 I would find happiness there. 
But I realized that I didn’t need to chase my tail 
for wherever I went it seemed to follow.”
And the old cat got up and walked away 
with his tail swishing behind.


According to experts,the cat's tail 
is a barometer for its mood:)
A relaxed, gently swishing 
cat's tail suggests contentment:)
Moving away from the details 
about  a cat's body language....
fascinating as it is...............:)
the truth is that .....
whatever it being pursued.....
is usually running away
 from the pursuer.
It is true of happiness too:)
Happiness is always an inside job :) 
and a choice we have at all times:)
Let's choose to have an 
amazingly happy day :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Magic is believing in yourself, 
if you can do that, you can make 
anything happen." 

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Hang In There

 Nicolo Paganini was a well-known and gifted nineteenth century violinist. 
 He was also well known as a great showman with a quick sense of humor. 
 His most memorable concert was in Italy with a full orchestra.
 He was performing before a packed house and his technique was incredible,
 his tone was fantastic, and his audience dearly loved him. 

Toward the end of his concert, Paganini was astounding his audience 
with an unbelievable composition when suddenly one string
 on his violin snapped and hung limply from his instrument.
 Paganini frowned briefly, shook his head, 
and continued to play, improvising beautifully.

Then to everyone's surprise, a second string broke.
 And shortly thereafter, a third. 
Almost like a slapstick comedy,
 Paganini stood there with three strings 
dangling from his Stradivarius. 

But instead of leaving the stage, Paganini stood his ground 
and calmly completed the difficult number
 on the one remaining string.

~Author Unknown, 
    Source Unknown


We have all grown up hearing.....

Paganini actually showed us
that  it is possible to never give up.
What an amazing lesson  !!!!!!!!

No matter what the situation may be..........
we are all blessed with the same staying power,
that  Nicolo Paganini had.

It is not our circumstances that make us who we are.....
It is for us to decide who we choose to be.

Giving up.....is never,ever an option.

May your day be as amazing as YOU choose to make it :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

"When you play the What-If? game, look for things 
     that make you feel better.
There is never a situation in which there is not a way out—but, 
  out of habit, most people continue to choose the "lack" perspective
  until they eventually find themselves where it seems
  that there are no more choices.
But as you hold to your intention to look for evidence of 
  Well-Being and thriving and success and happiness,
  you will tune yourself to the vibrations of those things
  —and so those kinds of good-feeling experiences 
  will dominate your life."
--- Abraham
Excerpted from Jerry and Esther's book
 "Money and the Law of Attraction:
 Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" 


What if this turns out to be
   the most amazing game to play????????

What if playing this game could change
   our lives in miraculous ways ??????

What if it is only our negative beliefs
  about ourselves that hold us back ?????

What if we choose to change the way we look 
   at things ?????

What if the wisdom of Abraham is coming 
    our way today for a reason ????

What if you choose to play the "What If "?
  game consistently for a period of time 
  and see the results ????????

What if there is nothing to lose........and
    and everything to gain by playing this game ???

May your day turn out to be even more wonderful
 than you can imagine :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it 
is like wrapping a present and not giving it."
~ William Arthur Ward

We Thank Thee 

For flowers that bloom about our feet,
For tender grass so fresh and sweet,
For the song of bird and hum of bee,
For all things fair we hear or see,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee.

For blue of stream and blue of sky,
For pleasant shade of branches high,
For fragrant air and cooling breeze,
For beauty of the blooming trees,
Father in heaven we thank Thee.

For this new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson  

When I start expressing my gratitude to the Creator......
I  never,ever run out of blessings.....to  give thanks for.
The more I am in a state of gratitude........
the more things I have.... to be grateful for.
In this moment, I am grateful for the privilege
of connecting with you.
May you and your day be blessed with everything......
that brings you joy :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Whatever you focus on expands." 

   ~ Christopher M. Knight 

Nothing needs to be fixed. 
Everything is unfolding perfectly. 
So when you stand in your now 
accepting that all is well, 
then from that vibration, 
you become surrounded
 by more and more evidence
 that all is well. 
But when you're convinced
 that things are broken, 
that there is pollution, 
or that things have gone wrong, 
or that the government
 is doing conspiracies... 
then what happens is 
you get caught up 
in that vibration, 
and you begin to manifest 
that kind of stuff, 
and then you say, 
"See, I told you that things
 were going wrong."
--- Abraham

Excerpted from Jerry and Esther's workshop
 in North Los Angeles, CA.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could always
 think,believe and act as if all is well 
and getting better...............
so that we could see more and more 
evidence of it in our world ???????

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude
 to the whole cosmos - the trees, the clouds, everything."
    --Thich Nhat Hanh

Rebellion Against the Stomach.

Once a man had a dream in which his hands and feet and mouth and brain all began to rebel against his stomach.

"You good-for-nothing sluggard!" the hands said. "We work all day long, sawing and hammering and lifting and carrying. By evening we're covered with blisters and scratches, and our joints ache, and we're covered with dirt. And meanwhile you just sit there, hogging all the food."

"We agree!" cried the feet. "Think how sore we get, walking back and forth all day long. And you just stuff yourself full, you greedy pig, so that you're that much heavier to carry about."

"That's right!" whined the mouth. "Where do you think all that food you love comes form? I'm the one who has to chew it all up, and as soon as I'm finished you suck it all down for yourself. Do you call that fair?"

"And what about me?" called the brain. "Do you think it's easy being up here, having to think about where your next meal is going to come from? And yet I get nothing at all for my pains."

And one by one the parts of the body joined the complaint against the stomach, 
which didn't say anything at all.

"I have an idea," the brain finally announced. "Let's all rebel against the lazy belly, and stop working for it."

"Superb idea!" all the other members and organs agreed. "We'll teach you how important we are, you pig. Then maybe you'll do a little work of your own."

So they all stopped working. The hands refused to do lifting and carrying. The feet refused to walk. The mouth promised not to chew or swallow a single bite. And the brain swore it wouldn't come up with any more bright ideas. At first the stomach growled a bit, as it always did when it was hungry. But after a while it was quiet.

Then, to the dreaming man's surprise, he found he could not walk. He could not grasp anything in his hand. He could not even open his mouth. And he suddenly began to feel rather ill.

The dream seemed to go on for several days. As each day passed, the man felt worse and worse. "This rebellion had better not last much longer," he thought to himself, "or I'll starve."

Meanwhile, the hands and feet and mouth and brain just lay there, getting weaker and weaker. At first they roused themselves just enough to taunt the stomach every once in a while, but before long they didn't even have the energy for that.

Finally the man heart a faint voice coming from the direction of his feet.

"It could be that we were wrong," they were saying. "We suppose the stomach might have been working in his own way all along."

"I was just thinking the same thing," murmured the brain. "It's true that he's been getting all the food. But it seems he's been sending most of it right back to us."

"We might as well admit our error," the mouth said. "The stomach has just as much work to do as the hands and feet and brain and teeth."

"Then let's get back to work," they cried together. And at that the man woke up.

To his relief, he discovered his feet could walk again. His hands could grasp, his mouth could chew, and his brain could now think clearly. He began to feel much better.

"Well, there's a lesson for me," he thought as he filled his stomach at breakfast. "Either we all work together, or nothing works at all."
~ Author Unknown

"Take care of your body.  It's the only place you have to live. "
Jim Rohn said....and he was so right.


Every part of us has a significant role to play in our lives.....
and the sooner we realize it.....the better.

The problem arises when we think in terms of separation......
and believe that the mind, body and spirit are separate.....
that each organ is separate from the other..........
that we are like islands, separate from each other.

When we realize it is not so......
that everything we do or don't ...
affects everything in our lives.....
and everyone else as well;
we choose to go about life differently.

When we truly choose to believe that
 the body is the temple of the living God.....
we learn to treat ourselves and others
 with true reverence and unconditional love.

A great lesson to learn and a wonderful way to live.

Do take care and have a great day :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

"Today you are You,
that is truer than true.
There is no one alive
who is Youer than You."
--Dr. Seuss

The Master was never impressed by diplomas or degrees.
He scrutinized the person, not the certificate.

He was once heard to say,

"When you have ears to hear a bird in song,
  you don't need to look at its credentials."

by: Anthony de Mello, SJ.


The present day world believes in looking
 more at the credentials......than the person.

What one has accomplished definitely matters......
but what one has become in the process.........
matters even more.

When the focus is on being one's authentic self......
original contribution is the obvious result.

May you always choose to be only YOU....
no matter what :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"An open mind leaves a chance for someone 
to drop a worthwhile thought in it."
~ Mark Twain 


The Master was exceedingly gracious to university dons who visited him, 
but he would never reply to their questions 
or be drawn into their theological speculations.

To his disciples, who marveled at this, he said,
 "Can one talk about the ocean to a frog in a well
--or about the divine to people who are restricted by their concepts?"

~ Anthony de Mello

Those who know, do not speak.
 Those who speak, do not know.
 -Lao Tzu

Learning to keep an open mind is one of the most important lessons
life offers us.....but some are willing to learn.....and some others not.
Those who know,know that they know.....and that is enough.
The closed minded are never open to other points of view.....
and those who have the wisdom to know this.....
choose to allow them to be who they wish to be.

Let's always choose to keep an open mind :)

It's sure to be an amazing day!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

“What we are is God's gift to us.
 What we become is our gift to God.”
 Eleanor Powell 
God Made Part of Me
  by: Brian Cavanaugh

"Can you tell me who made you?" the pastor asked the small boy.
The Youngster thought a moment. Then he looked up at the pastor
 and said, "God made part of me."
"What do you mean, part of you?" asked the pastor.
"Well," answered the boy, "God made me little. I grew the rest myself."
"Growing the rest" is a lifetime job for everyone.


God has created us as Co-creators in this world.....
blessed us with unique gifts and talents....and the greatest gifts.....
being the gift of choice and free will.....the rest is left to us.

"Growing the rest" is a lifetime job for everyone."
Since there is always room for improvement........
we can never say there is no more scope for growth.

We can choose to learn and grow.....

or wait for the rest of the world to change first.

The world only gives back to us .....many times multiplied...
what we choose to give ourselves.
That is why unconditional self love,self acceptance......
and willingness to change matters.
All good wishes to you for...."Growing the rest":)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Just One

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey.
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true,

One life can make a difference,
You see, it's up to you!

~Source Unknown

Isn't it amazing to know the power of "Just One" ?????
Isn't it even more amazing to realize that 
you are "Just One" and so am I..........
.....a miracle embodied as you/me to trigger off 
an endless chain of love,peace and happiness ????????
So what miracles do you plan to create today ????????
May you turn out to be one of the very best miracle makers
 on the planet :)
I choose to make today....the best today possible !!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never
--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, 
except to convictions of honor and good sense.
 Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently 
overwhelming might of the enemy."
~Winston Churchill
Never Give Up

Sir Winston Churchill took three years getting through eighth grade

 because he had trouble learning English. It seems ironic that years later 
Oxford University asked him to address its commencement exercises.
He arrived with his usual props. A cigar, a cane and a top hat
accompanied Churchill wherever he went. 
As Churchill approached the podium, the crowd rose in appreciative applause.
 With unmatched dignity, he settled the crowd and stood confident before his admirers
 Removing the cigar and carefully placing the top hat on the podium,
 Churchill gazed at his waiting audience. Authority rang in Churchill's voice
as he shouted, "Never give up!"
Several seconds passed before he rose to his toes and repeated: "Never give up!" 
His words thundered in their ears. There was a deafening silence as Churchill
 reached for his hat and cigar, steadied himself with his cane and left the platform.
 His commencement address was finished. 
The shortest and most powerful speech ever......
and therefore my favourite speech.
So very often when we fail to see the result...we give up......
and the result that is out of sight.....but just turning the corner.....
goes away......because we gave up.
Ever so often the enemy is not outside.....
it is the self sabotage pattern within.
Never give up ......on our self..........
or anyone/anything else....ever.....no matter what :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dear God, 
Who draws the lines around the countries ?

As it is concluded in the Atharva Veda: 
“We are birds of the same nest.
 Wearing different skins, 
speaking different languages,
 believing in different religions, 
and belonging to different cultures
 – yet we share the same home, our earth. 
Born on the same planet, 
covered by the same skies, 
gazing at the same stars,
 breathing the same air, 
we must learn to progress happily together 
or miserably perish together. 
For humans can live individually
 but can survive only collectively.”

[This article is available at http:www.stephen-knapp.com] 


"Who draws the lines around the countries ?"
Only a child could ask a question so profound.
I am equally sure it was not the Creator's intention.
It is probably the consequence of the
(often misused) free will gifted to mankind.
It has only divided and separated us in ways that has not
been beneficial to anyone or anything.
It is time to erase these lines ......................
at least in our hearts and minds.
It is time to replace ME with WE......
It is time to realize that
"we must learn to progress happily together 
or miserably perish together. 
For humans can live individually
 but can survive only collectively.”


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
~Albert Einstein
 Some people give me a jaundiced look 
when I talk to them about miracles.
"Do such things....REALLY happen ????????
I will believe it when I see it in my life....."
 the look seems to say.
The truth of the matter is.....
you see it ................when you believe it.
The more you believe it.....the more you see it.

Miracles are all around and in us.

We tend to take them for granted.

The way the Sun chooses to rise and set.....
everyday is a definitely a miracle.
The way the planets move in their own orbits.....
is a wonderful miracle.
The way Mother Earth supports and nurtures us
day after day; is an amazing miracle.
My next breath.....is a miracle.....

The way trillions of cells in my body function 
harmoniously together.......is certainly a miracle.
I could go on ....and on... and on ....and on and on...........

I choose to be a part of the group that goes through life....
" as though everything is a miracle."
May your day be filled with miracles :) :) :) :) :):)

Monday, January 16, 2012

“Everyone and everything around you
  is your teacher.”
  Ken S. Keyes Jr. 

Three Little Words — Author Unknown

One evening I was parked in front of the mall wiping off my car. I had just come from the car wash and was waiting for my wife to finish work.

Coming my way from across the parking lot, was what society would consider a bum. From the looks of him he had no car, no home, no clean clothes and no money. There are times when you feel generous, but there are times that you just don't want to be bothered. This was one of the don't-want-to-be-bothered times!

"Hope he doesn't ask me for money," I thought.

He didn't. He came and sat on the curb in front of the bus stop and he didn't look like he could have enough money to even ride the bus.

After a few minutes he spoke. "That's a very nice car," he said. He was ragged, but had an air of dignity around him.

I said "Thanks," and continued wiping off my car.

He sat there quietly as I worked. The expected plea for money never came. As the silence between us widened, something inside said, "Ask him if he needs any help." I was sure that he would say yes, but I held true to the inner voice.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

He answered in three simple, but profound, words that I shall never forget. We often look for wisdom in great accomplishments. I expect it from those of higher learning and accomplishments. I expected nothing here but an outstretched grimy hand.

Then, he spoke three words that shook me. "Don't we all?" he said.

I needed help. Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep, but I needed help. I reached in my wallet and gave him not only enough for bus fare but enough to get a warm meal and shelter for the day.

Those three little words still ring true. No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have accomplished, we all need help.

No matter how little you have, no matter how loaded you are with problems, even without money or a place to sleep, you can GIVE help. Even if it's just a compliment, you can give that!

You never know when you may see someone that appears to have it all, yet in actuality they need you to give them what they don't have – a different perspective on life, a glimpse of something beautiful, a respite from daily chaos – that only you, through a torn world can see.

Maybe the man was just a homeless stranger wandering the streets. Maybe he was more than that. Maybe he was sent by a power that is great and wise to minister to a soul too comfortable in himself.

Maybe someone looked down, called an angel, dressed him like a bum, and then said, "Go minister to that man cleaning the car; that man needs help."

Don't we all?

Asking and receiving are choices.
No matter what the circumstances..........
everyone is in a position to help.........
and no matter how much one has accomplished.....
everyone could do with some help.
So sometimes we take and at other times we give.....
and understand that angels are everywhere........and
come in all shapes,sizes,colours etc.etc.etc.,:)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Worthiness, in very simple terms, means
 I have found a way to let the Energy reach me,
 the Energy that is natural, reach me. 
Worthiness, or unworthiness,
 is something that is pronounced upon you by you.
 You are the only one that can deem yourself worthy or unworthy. 
You are the only one who can love yourself into a state of allowing,
 or hate yourself in a state of disallowing.
 There is not something wrong with you, 
nor is there something wrong with one who is not loving you. 
You are all just, in the moment, practicing the art of not allowing, 
or the art of resisting."

--- Abraham

Excerpted from Jerry and Esther's workshop in Kansas City.

The way we choose to feel about ourselves
makes the difference.
We can choose to love ourselves...or not;
accept ourselves........or not;
feel we are worthy....or not
be in a state of allowing ......or not......
Ultimately, the quality of our lives depends
on the choices that we make......or not.

So choose to see how wonderful you truly are.....:)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Opportunity is often difficult to recognize; 
we usually expect it to beckon us 
with beepers and billboards. 
 ~William Arthur Ward

The Touchstone

When the great library of Alexandria burned, the story goes,
 one book was saved.
 But it was not a valuable book; and so a poor man,
 who could read a little, bought it for a few coppers.
The book wasn't very interesting, 
but between its pages there was something very interesting indeed.
 It was a thin strip of vellum on which was written the secret of the "Touchstone"!

The touchstone was a small pebble that could turn
 any common metal into pure gold.
 The writing explained that it was lying among 
thousands and thousands of other pebbles
 that looked exactly like it. But the secret was this:
 The real stone would feel warm, while ordinary pebbles are cold.

So the man sold his few belongings, bought some simple supplies,
 camped on the seashore, and began testing pebbles.

He knew that if he picked up ordinary pebbles 
and threw them down again because they were cold, 
he might pick up the same pebble hundreds of times.
 So, when he felt one that was cold, he threw it into the sea.
 He spent a whole day doing this but none of them was the touchstone. 
Yet he went on and on this way. Pick up a pebble. 
Cold - throw it into the sea. Pick up another. Throw it into the sea.

The days stretched into weeks and the weeks into months. 
One day, however, about mid afternoon,
 he picked up a pebble and it was warm.
 He threw it into the sea before he realized what he had done.
 He had formed such a strong habit of throwing each pebble into the sea
 that when the one he wanted came along, he still threw it away.

So it is with opportunity. Unless we are vigilant,
 it's easy to fail to recognize an opportunity when it is in hand 
and it's just as easy to throw it away. 
- Author Unknown

"A man who misses his opportunity,
 and monkey who misses his branch, 
cannot be saved."
Hindu Proverb 

May you always choose to recognize an opportunity 
when it presents itself......better still..............
may you always choose to believe
 that you know how to create opportunities
 where they seem to be none.
May your day turn out to be a really fabulous one :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price 
to make them come true.

~Leon J. Sue 

Believe The Impossible

Every great achievement was once impossible 
until someone set a goal to make it a reality.

Lewis Carroll's famous masterpiece Through the Looking Glass 
contains a story that exemplifies the need
 to dream the impossible dream. 
There is a conversation between Alice and the queen, which goes like this:
"I can't believe that!" said Alice.
"Can't you?" the queen said in a pitying tone. 
"Try again, draw a long breath, and shut your eyes."
Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said.
 "One can't believe impossible things."
"I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the queen.
 "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day.
Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

When you dare to dream, many marvels can be accomplished.
 The trouble is, most people never start dreaming their impossible dream.

When I dare to be my true self...and dream big;
endless possibilities open themselves to me.
I'm able to achieve my goal faster........
because I've removed the im from the impossible......
 everything becomes possible.
If I can dream it...(and  am willing to pay the price.....
which includes eliminating all past limiting beliefs....
which allow me to take  inspired action..........)I can manifest it.
"Dare to dream" so that ," many marvels can be accomplished."
It's sure to be an awesome day :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Those who know, do not speak. 
Those who speak, do not know.
  -Lao Tzu

Tasting Life 
 Before the young man began his studies,
 he wanted assurance from the Master.
"Can you teach me the goal of human life?"
"I cannot," replied the Master.
"Or at least its meaning?"
"I cannot."
"Can you indicate to me the nature of death
 and of life beyond the grave?"
"I cannot."
The young man walked away in scorn. 
The disciples were dismayed that their Master
 had been shown up in a poor light.
Said the Master soothingly,
"Of what is it to comprehend life's nature and life's meaning
 if you have never tasted it?
 I'd rather you ate your pudding than speculated on it."
~ Fr.Anthony De Mello
The knowledge and wisdom gained from the master......
is meaningful only to the extent it is applied in one's life.
The master can guide and show the path....
but one must walk the path oneself.
May your day be chock full of miracles !!! 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

All I Really Need to Know
I Learned From Noah's Ark   
Author Unknown
1. Don't miss the boat.

2. Don't forget that we're all in the same boat.

3. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

4. Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone might ask you 
     to do something REALLY BIG.

5. Don't listen to critics, just get on with what has to be done.

6. Build your future on high ground.

7. For safety's sake, travel in pairs.

8. Two heads are better than one.

9. Speed isn't always an advantage; 
    the snails were on board with the cheetahs.

10. When you're stressed, float awhile.

11. Remember that the ark was built by amateurs;
      the Titanic was built by professionals.

12. No matter the storm, when you're with God 
      there's a rainbow waiting.

13. Remember that woodpeckers inside are a larger threat 
      than the storm outside...

P.S: If one is open minded and willing to learn lessons .......
they come from everywhere;everyone and everything :) :) :)
How much more interesting can life get ??????

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Listen

I Listen to the trees, and they say:
"Stand tall and yield.
Be tolerant and flexible.
Be true to yourself.
Stand alone, and stand together.
Be brave.
Be patient.
With time, you will grow."

I Listen to the wind, and it says:
Take care of yourself --
body, mind, and spirit.
Take time.
Be quiet.
Listen from your heart.

I Listen to the sun, and it says:
"Nurture others.
Let your warmth radiate for others to feel.
Give yourself without expectations."

I Listen to the creek, and it says:
"Relax; go with the flow.
Tend to what's really important,
and let the rest go by.
Keep moving -- don't be hesitant or afraid.
Lighten up -- laugh, giggle."

I Listen to the mountains, and they say:
"Be there.
Be honest.
Be trustworthy.
Do what you say you're going to do.
Be true, genuine, and real.
Speak from the heart.
Don't cheat."

I Listen to the birds, and they say:
"Set yourself free.

I Listen to the clouds, and they say:
"Be creative.
Be expressive.
Let your spirit run free.
Let yourself be light and gay,
but let yourself be heavy and sad.
Cry when you feel like it."

I Listen to the sky, and it says:
"Open up.
Let go of the boundaries and barriers
which you have created to protect yourself.
Experience change.

I Listen to the flowers and small plants, and they say:
"Be humble.
Be simple.
Respect the beauty of small things.
Respect the beauty of humility and truth.
Let go of perfectionism.
Love yourself as you are; it opens the door to change.
Practice acceptance."

I Listen to the bugs and flying insects, and they say:
Be productive.
Use your hands.
Focus on what's in front of you.
Ignore the past; there is only the present."

I Listen to the moon, and it says:
Share love.
Allow yourself to be loved.
Be gentle, kind, and understanding.
Use candles."

I Listen to the stars, and they wink and say:
Dance, be silly, have fun."

I Listen to the earth, and it says:
"I am your mother.
I give you life.
Respect all that is around you.
Find beauty in all things -- living and not -- including
yourself; for we are all one -- not separate.

Be especially respectful to the very young and the very old,
for they are both very near God.
Give up the belief that you are a higher form of life;
there is no higher form of life.
We are equal because we are the same.
When you return to me, I will welcome you,
and I will set your spirit free.
Love and nurture your children; cook good food for them,
and hold them very close to you often

Hold me close to you often as well,
and I will hold you in return; I will support you.
Have faith.
~ Dr. Charles Roper  

This poem needs to be read,digested,
absorbed and assimilated...one stanza at a time.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if....
 we make time to really LISTEN?????
It could enhance the quality 
of our lives tremendously.
Today is a perfect day to begin.
Let's make it an extraordinary day :) :) :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

"There are no short cuts to any place worth going."
— Beverly Sills

A martial arts student went to his teacher and said earnestly, 
"I am devoted to studying your martial system. 
How long will it take me to master it?" 
The teacher's reply was casual, "Ten years." 
Impatiently, the student answered, 
"But I want to master it faster than that. I will work very hard.
I will practice everyday, ten or more hours a day if I have to.
How long will it take then?" 
The teacher thought for a moment, "20 years."
- Zen Story

An earnest desire to learn  something is wonderful,
when it is accompanied by commitment and patience.
The moment it becomes an obsession,
that is when one tends to sabotage oneself.
The more hasty one gets.....
the longer it takes to achieve the goal.
Skipping steps only gives the illusion of speed.
Wishing you an amazing day :)