Friday, August 10, 2012

“No matter how steep the mountain - the Lord is going to climb it with you.”
- Helen Steiner Rice

A wise, elderly sage once led a group of his young followers up a steep, icy mountain pass.

Astoundingly, the sage was able to navigate the treacherous pass with ease, but the younger, stronger men who were following him found the climb to be a great challenge, and many of them slipped and fell again and again.

Upon finally reaching the peak, they asked the sage how he had so easily kept his footing.

"I look only up," he replied. "The secret is this: If you are truly connected Above, you will never fall, below."


“As you contemplate the idea that "Your Connection to the Divine is Eternal", allow yourself to surrender to the fact that no matter what, the essence of who you are is permanently nourished by the Highest and Best resource there could ever be. The connection need not be defined or labeled, only cherished.”

~Circles Of Light

P.S: Thanks to Shifra for sharing this parable.

It strengthens one’s faith and makes one realize the power of being connected to Source.

The better the connection with the Divine the easier life gets.








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