Monday, July 9, 2012



       The Oyster


There once was an oyster
Whose story I tell,
Who found that some sand
Had got into his shell.


It was only a grain,
But it gave him great pain.
For oysters have feelings
Although they’re so plain.


Now, did he berate
The harsh working of fate
That had brought him
To such a deplorable state?


Did he curse at the government,
Cry for election,
And claim that the sea should
Have given him protection?


No – he said to himself
As he lay on a shell,
Since I cannot remove it,
I shall try to improve it.


Now the years have rolled around,
As the years always do,
And he came to his ultimate
Destiny – stew.


And the small grain of sand
That had bothered him so
Was a beautiful pearl
All richly aglow.


Now the tale has a moral;
For isn’t it grand
What an oyster can do
With a morsel of sand?


What couldn’t we do
If we’d only begin
With some of the things
That get under our skin.

Author Unknown

“If everyone followed their bliss, the world would become very much like heaven.” ~Alan Cohen


What an amazing poem!!!!

(except for the bit about the ultimate destiny of an oyster…is ending up in a stew……that was very difficult for me to digest…..)

I  realize that an oyster does not have a choice…for I am sure no self respecting oyster would welcome any grain of sand in…..

We as human beings always have a choice……and that being said ..we often get ourselves in stews….by the choices we make….However, from those experiences we learn to make better choices…….



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