Wednesday, July 11, 2012

“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.”

~ Swedish Proverb
Camel : Cartoon conductor with a camel
A disciple came riding on his camel to the tent of his Sufi master.He dismounted and walked right into his tent,bowed low and said,”So great is my trust in God that I have left my camel outside untied,convinced that God protects the interests of those who love Him.”
“Go tie your camel,you fool !” said the Master.
“God cannot be bothered doing for you what you are perfectly capable of doing for yourself.”
 ~Anthony de Mello
  “Be your own inspiration – Camel : Illustration of cute funny camel
acknowledge the beauty and perfection
of who you are.” ~Trish Bishop
Camel : Great cartoon camel is the yellow desert.Against the backdrop of green palms and a lizard.God helps those that help themselves”~Ben Franklin,
(Poor Richard's Almanack)
                                                                                                 Camel : Camel Stock Photo
What if,one were to realize that God is within oneself……???????
Would one …..then expect an external God to take care of one’s responsibilities ???
An awareness of the divinity within oneself and everyone and everything else…….makes one realize ….the powerful,unlimited co-creator and contributor one truly is.


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