Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Prayer requires more of the heart than the tongue."~ Adam Clarke

The Wise Sage 
There once was a wise sage who wandered the countryside. One day, as he passed near a village, he was approached by a woman who told him of a sick child nearby. She beseeched him to help this child. 

So the sage came to the village, and a crowd gathered around him, for such a man was a rare sight. One woman brought the sick child to him, and he said a prayer over her.

"Do you really think your prayer will help her, when medicine has failed?" yelled a man from the crowd.

"You know nothing of such things! You are a stupid fool!" said the sage to the man.

The man became very angry with these words and his face grew hot and red. He was about to say something, or perhaps strike out, when the sage walked over to him and said: "If one word has such power as to make you so angry and hot, may not another have the power to heal?" 

And thus, the sage healed two people that day.

~Author Unknown


"More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."
~Alfred Lord Tennyson

"If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is "thank you," that would suffice."~Meister Eckhart

I feel that we connect with the Creator.....The Source of All That the best possible way....when we pray. So prayer is an important part of life;but how we pray is even more so. If a list were to be made of all the things we could be grateful would be a never ending one.Every moment of every day is an opportunity to give thanks.

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