Friday, October 17, 2014

The key to awakening is in coming to the realization that you are far, far more than that which you were conditioned to believe you were. The woven tapestry of your of your consciousness was never meant to be hemmed in with neatly finished borders. You are in fact (and I know that many in the academic circles as well as the 'scientific' world would still argue this) a part of the quantum consciousness weave.... Part of the Universal quantum consciousness, inextricably linked to and woven into the consciousness of all that Is. You are awakening and there is no going back.
~Roger Anthony Briggs~

The key to awakening is in coming to the realization that you are far, far more than that which you were conditioned to believe you were. The woven tapestry of your of your consciousness was never meant to be hemmed in with neatly finished borders. You are in fact (and I know that many in the academic circles as well as the 'scientific' world would still argue this) a part of the quantum consciousness weave.... Part of the Universal quantum consciousness, inextricably linked to and woven into the consciousness of all that Is. You are awakening and there is no going back. <br />~Roger Anthony Briggs~

You are much,much more than you think you are.You know far more than you give yourself credit for.What would it be like if you were to choose to honour yourself and your knowing?

Thank you for visiting the TREASURE TROVE today.



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