Saturday, June 9, 2012

"If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own."
~Henry Ford


A lion and a tiger were once the best of friends. The two lived together in a cave, at the foot of a great mountain. The friends would hunt together, and share whatever animal each managed to kill. 

The lion and the tiger lived in great peace. One day a dispute arose between them, concerning the ‘cold’. 

Said the lion: ‘It is cold during the day.’ 

Said the tiger: ‘It is cold during the night.’ 

Since each felt he was right, the two began to argue. Soon they were quarrelling in earnest, and were about to come to blows. The lion roared loudly in anger. The tiger growled back. 

As it happened, the Bodhisattva was living as a hermit, in a cave not far away. Hearing the roars and growls, he at once went to see what was wrong. 

‘Why are you two friends quarrelling?’ he asked the lion and the tiger. 

‘We are quarrelling about the cold. I say it is cold during the day,’ said the lion. 

‘And I say it is cold during the night,’ said the tiger. 

‘Well, I say it is cold only when the wind blows,’ pointed out the Bodhisattva. ‘So if the wind blows during the day, it is cold during the day. If the wind blows at night, it is cold during the night. So, as you are both right in what you say, I see no reason for you to quarrel anymore.’ 

Moral: Never enter into futile controversies. Avoid them through tact and commonsense! There are always two sides to every thing-Don’t ignore one at the cost of the other.

Source: Jataka Tales

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view."
~Harper Lee

P.S:What if...we could choose to live life with the understanding that each one of us is unique and entitled to have a point of view??? What if, we would be willing to see things from another's perspective? Imagine what life on this planet would be like!!!!!!!

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