Friday, May 1, 2015

~Those Magical Realms That Surround Us~
Whether sitting in your yard on a quiet evening or spending time out in the wilds of nature, try to quiet your mind and observe for a time unfocused. Quietly take in the sights, the sounds and the smells that surround you. Allow yourself to go beyond those stimuli immediately in front of you which so often and easily conceal the more subtle of your surroundings.
With the senses slightly out of focus, you will begin to vibrate at a frequency not experienced by many since early childhood and the portal to those magical, half forgotten realms and the Beings who inhabit them will once again open up and reveal themselves to you.
~Roger Anthony Briggs~

When you take time out of your busy schedule to really perceive your surroundings you will see how surrounded you are by things magical and miraculous.



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