Sunday, January 29, 2012

"The pursuit of happiness 
  is a most ridiculous phrase: 
  if you pursue happiness 
  you'll never find it. " 
   ~C.P. Snow


Chasing Happiness

Once there was a kitten chasing its tail. 
It just chased and chased it.
An older wiser cat came along and 
watched this kitten for a long time. 
Then he asked the kitten,
 “Kitten, why do you chase your tail?”
The kitten replied, 
“Because I will find happiness in my tail.”
The old cat watched again for a while before saying,
 “I, too, used to chase my tail because I thought
 I would find happiness there. 
But I realized that I didn’t need to chase my tail 
for wherever I went it seemed to follow.”
And the old cat got up and walked away 
with his tail swishing behind.


According to experts,the cat's tail 
is a barometer for its mood:)
A relaxed, gently swishing 
cat's tail suggests contentment:)
Moving away from the details 
about  a cat's body language....
fascinating as it is...............:)
the truth is that .....
whatever it being pursued.....
is usually running away
 from the pursuer.
It is true of happiness too:)
Happiness is always an inside job :) 
and a choice we have at all times:)
Let's choose to have an 
amazingly happy day :)


  1. WOW!!! Excellent!!! I'm sure I needed this reminder today... Thanks so very much for sharing... :) :) :)

    1. Thank you so very much for your response
      dear Jayanthi.Appreciated.
